23 September 2024
We the undersigned publicly and emphatically stand in solidarity and support for the victims of sexual abuse at MorningStar. Each of us had some level of experience with the many facets of MorningStar ministries, whether their K-12 school, the ministry school MSU, or the Sunday morning congregation. We were students, church attendees, MorningStar staff, CSCL teachers, and volunteers.
Many of us live in different places now, and we approach this statement with a spectrum of beliefs about God, religion, and our time at MorningStar. One thing we share is a firm belief that corruption, negligence, and abuse of power has gone on at MorningStar and its affiliated organizations for decades. We believe it is this corrupt and toxic leadership culture that enabled various forms of abuse to take place, including a child predator being able to abuse children for years.
We strongly condemn the MorningStar Board, its leader Rick Joyner, and other executive church leaders for their inadequate response to grave allegations. Their attempts to ignore, downplay, and discredit victims and the severity of their claims are not only morally reprehensible but also betray the trust placed in them.
We call for the following:
1. Leadership accountability. Rick Joyner should immediately resign from the church and hold no further positions of authority in the future. His comments on the allegations demonstrate a lack of empathy, conviction, and commitment to protect the most vulnerable among us.
2. Independent audit of the board. An independent, third-party review of MorningStar's Board should be conducted and the findings disclosed publicly. The audit should include review of all board members' credentials, background checks, the Board's decision-making policies and procedures, and the minutes of all board meetings and financial statements.
3. Independent audit of child protection practices. An independent, third-party audit should be conducted of the policies and procedures governing all positions of authority over children and the findings and recommendations published publicly.
4. Immediate consultation with organizations skilled in victim protection, safe environment policies, and preventing clergy/church sexual abuse of minors, followed by mandatory training. Based on these consultations, every individual (staff & volunteers alike) with a role that involves interacting with children should be given mandatory training on sexual abuse against minors and annual training should become standing policy.
These investigations must be conducted by an external, impartial body with no ties to the church or its leadership.
Finally, we encourage current members, supporters, students, staff, and volunteers to review all available information regarding the allegations made against MorningStar’s leadership and to carefully reconsider your continued support (financial or otherwise) to MorningStar. Absent significant MorningStar actions toward ensuring transparency, accountability, and prevention of abuse in the future, continuing to support this organization may contribute to continued abuse.
#TimesUp #BetterAMillstone
Statement of Support and Call for Accountability
1 Emily Elston
2 Emily Williams
3 Lacy Anderson
4 Daniel Anderson
5 Jon Thompson
6 Laura Strite
7 Rebekah Carpenter
8 Destiny Edwards
9 Ruth Meharg
10 Calvin Elston
11 Bethany Cord
12 Kaitlin Mathis
13 Owen Bergeron
14 Anastasia Merriken
15 Wendy Hawley
16 Chad Hawley
17 Jessie Wimmer
18 Anna Hollingsworth
19 Caleb Doyle
20 Rachel Reeher
21 Arias (John) DeRienzo
22 Jason Healey
23 Miranda Escalante
24 Richard Hirth
25 Maeve Smith
26 Megan Escalante
27 Barbara Escalante
28 Cindy Irving
29 Josiah Carr
30 Sophia Kim
31 Jeremy Merriken
32 David Rowan
33 Rachel Souza
34 Valerie Cordell
35 Jolie Rempel
36 Micah Griffith
37 Courtney Blake
38 Mary Williams
39 Liz Corwin Seegers
40 Joel Arndt
41 Leah Wolf
42 Clyde Vreeland
43 Deanna Christal
44 Wes Strite
45 Robert Fulton
46 Austin Crump
47 Leah Bergeron
48 Emily Megown
49 Richard Irving
50 Jonathan Pollina
51 Matthew LaFlamme
52 Daniel Mullin
53 Landon Hawley
54 Sara Russell (Townsend)
55 Raquelle Rivera
56 Chris Gladden
57 John Emery
58 April Sechrest
59 Ashton Crain
60 Mikayla Emery
61 Amanda (Bryant) Mitchell
62 Robbie Roberts
63 Julia Willett
64 Karissa Dean
65 Glorya Quental
66 Taylor Dejaegher
67 Rachel DeRienzo
68 Ginese Wilmot
69 Victor Rosenzweig
70 Elyse Nagy
71 Adam Short
72 Anna Livingston
73 Brooke Barsell
74 Kim Miller
75 Chloe Kesler
76 Greg Miller
77 Bruce Shafer
78 Korynne Feliu
79 Candace Williams
80 Christine Orrick
81 Linda Abdelmalak
82 Mark Mathis
83 Abbi O’Leary
84 Hannah Richardson
85 Hannah Kimel
86 Rachel Saylor
87 Jessie Bernal
88 Ethan Crawford
89 Talia Buksbazen
90 Rian Buksbazen
91 Chellie Cloud
92 Josiah Williams
93 Jason Hills
94 Delaney Andersson
95 Glory Irving
96 Nicholas Livingston
97 Jack Abdelmalak
98 Erica Dawn
99 Joshua Fajardo
100 Sarah Williams
101 Laurie Stasi
102 Chad Cunningham
103 Hallie Cunningham
104 Paul Stasi
105 Dee Saddler
Additional Signatures Since Original Publication on September 23, 2024:
106 Sean Eberly
107 Robert Foster
108 Brenda Elkins
109 Sarah Carr
110 Teresa Ali
111 Maura White
112 Joshua Bacon
113 Rona Wallace
114 Susan Tuma
115 Toby Kreiselmaier
116 Sarah (Luffman) Petkau
117 Melinda Wilson
118 Gloria Carr
119 Sarah Corcoran
120 O Douglas
121 Anshit Mehrotra
122 Josh Thompson
123 Geraldine Edrei
124 Heather Griffin
125 Rebecca Faludi
126 Keith Faucheaux
127 Kyra Lewis
128 Christina McBride
129 Sharie Favors
130 Brantley Smith
131 Ulrich Tofack
132 Maranda (Nelson) Gullett
133 Corrie Byers Gardner
134 Charity Johnston
135 Holly Marth
136 Yaneisy del Corral
137 Zachary O'Flynn
138 Melody Bowling
139 Alyssa DeGraff
140 Vachelle Fleming
141 Robert DeFelice
142 Arne Mathingsdal
143 Faith Mathingsdal
144 Suzi Dewing
145 Will Cabrera
146 Nichole (Stasi) Ryder
147 Mark Ryder
148 Anna Parrott
149 Marcus Butler
150 Chris Petkau
151 Amanda (Stasi) Flowers
152 Madeleine Vest
153 Amanda Ferres
154 Sabine Cioto
155 Andrew Farmer
156 Grace Wagner
157 Elizabeth Thomas
158 Brianne Thorsen Mazzone
159 Shirah Eckert
160 Lindsay Bailey
161 Ryan Bailey
162 Marilyn Jean Toman
163 Richard Stephan Toman
164 Daniel Hoskins
165 Alex Mavrogenis
166 Suzanne Anderson
167 Lindsey Calverley
168 Tiina Kuukka
169 Olivia Thompson
170 Stephen Powell
171 Tracy Osborne
172 Chastity Harris
173 Teresa Phillips
174 Carly McLaughlin
175 Doria Stewart
176 Kathleen Lackey
177 David Lackey
178 Julie Diminyatz
179 James Klein
180 John Elving
181 Daniel Faludi
182 Summer Mukhin
183 Megan Scott
184 Susan Plowman
185 Jenny McDonald
186 Mandy Cordell
187 Nicole Freeman
188 Charity Brown
189 Cherie Cobb
190 Shiri Cordell
191 Raven Sherrill
192 Paul Barnett
193 Brad Flowers
194 Martin Stender
195 Chip Bagley
196 Mark Edwards
197 Rosemary Torres
198 Maria Mulhausen
199 Vicki Kusowski
200 Robin Gustaveson
201 Athena Ryan
202 Brian Johnson
203 Erin Rhodes
204 Michael Metzger
205 Kathryn Kost
206 Gerry Jacoby
207 David Samms
208 Terri Paxton
209 Beth A Martin
210 Julia Braun
211 Laura Young
212 Alisha Woodfin
213 Regina Hinkel
214 Kirstin Kinloch-Steyn
215 Dianne E Belsom
216 Darla McLean
217 Jamison McLean
218 Melinda Neves
219 Paul Bryden-Bradley
220 CJ Shock
221 Lyn Puente
222 Tracey Henderson
223 Steve Platia
224 Lisa Thompson
225 Jonathan Wield
226 Maureen Radosti
227 Kelsey Rollet
228 Patricia Clark
229 Kirsten Tate
230 Rachel Melvin
231 Christine Wyatt
232 Jerry Frederick
233 Teresa Frederick
234 David Jarvie
235 Marian Weaver
236 John Richardson
237 Jennifer Verdery
238 Irena Antonovska Mitev
239 Daniel Beck
240 Jenny Beck
241 Drew Buchanan
242 Sarah Buchanan Dresser
243 Bill Caron
244 Christina Winsnes
245 Elizabeth Kramer
246 Hazel Correll
247 LeeAnna Perry
248 Lance Leavitt
249 Jana Proenneke
250 Tina Sampley
251 Celeste Vickery
252 Patsy Wright
253 Judah Vickery
254 Susan Dyer
255 Elizabeth Vaughan
256 Deacon Robert Maldonado
257 Lisa Thurmon
258 Matthew Hoffman
259 Samantha Bartasis
260 Joan Kelley
261 Isabella Riggs
262 Rosemary Hogg
263 Ray Curry Jr.
264 Donna Daniel
265 Lindsay Mathews
266 Teresa Coppola
267 Madolynn Oliverius
268 Mary Czaja
269 Marisol Miranda
270 Johnna Morrison
271 Norma Fisher-Mixon
272 Jennifer Billingslea
273 Joshua Newton
274 Ashley Newton
275 Michelle Marie Mueller
276 Ellen Zittinger
277 Ira Malone
278 Nicole Weller
279 Suzy Buckhalter
280 Debra Spatara
281 Dave Funke
282 Sofia Aeschlimann
283 Linda Wolfe
284 Mary Friend
285 Gail Opie
286 Debra Madonio
287 Michael Snow
288 Heather VanDeventer
289 JonMark Baker
290 Debbie McCauley
291 Brenda Newman
292 Gail Matis
293 Hugh McCauley
294 Barb O’Donnell
295 Howard E Wilford
296 Arly Frye
297 Elaine Culpepper
298 Cheryl Vanwinkle
299 Amy Schumaker
300 Rachel Forrest
301 Angela Davidson
302 Tiana Nguyen
303 Victoria Flores
304 Kacie Lee
305 Alisha Hauser
306 Tracy Mihalak
307 Jeri Merritt
308 Angie Rorrer
309 Lonnie Ellis
310 Dazhe Bitz
311 Richard Patrick Grooms
312 Patricia Wallace
313 Valerie Bartelson
314 Bart Rainey
315 Johanna Copley
316 Amanda Raghunandan
317 Nancy Knopp
318 Kimberly Lewis
319 Mbago David
320 Kathy Brightman
321 Christopher Wright
322 Estevan Sierra
323 Teresa Gonzales
324 Joan Corr
325 Samuel Klimmek
326 Rev Cheryl Wallace
327 Rebecca Boudreaux
328 Jason England
329 Amanda Leslie
330 Catherine Pors
331 Pamela Gregorio
332 Robin Bauer-Pickering
333 Pam Merrell
334 Christine Jones Ross
335 Sarabeth (Lee) Elliott
336 Paul Leslie
337 Tina McCoy
338 Hui Teng Christ
339 Shalon DeGruy
340 Michelle Mueller
341 Gwen MacDonald
342 Tara Schorr
343 Ruth Garuba
344 Colleen Jacobs
345 Paula Prince
346 David Fassett
347 Brad Witmer
348 Annemarie Diffenderffer
349 Paul Mahle
350 David Cannon
351 Clint Van Wuffen
352 Kim Van Wuffen
353 Derrick Gates
354 John Rapp
355 Lisa Annichino
356 Tina Spruill
357 Jason Spruill
358 Cheryl Denny
359 Sharon Annichino
360 Regine Heimann
361 Debbie Beynon
362 Kay Duffield
363 Christa D Young
364 Saundra Caron
365 Theresa Woodard
366 Janice Van Huenen
367 Elizabeth Tillman
368 Andrea Donner
369 Jeff Symons
370 Sharon Bacsu
371 Matthew Blethen
372 Paola Caputo
373 Matt Dentino
374 Carol Martin
375 Andrea Belangia
376 Dana Wield
377 Sandy Hudson
378 Jocelyne Babin
379 Mai Alvarez
380 Gayle Cassara
381 Tara Wood
382 Hope Hennecke
383 Victoria Stuart
384 Krista Schooley
385 Gene Paul Nesgoda
386 Debra Nesgoda
387 Clay Shaffer
388 Rebecca Talasky
389 Jacqueline Martell
390 Cathy Weinert
391 Sherri Dunne
392 Bryan Neumann
393 Lisa Hayes
394 Katie Bailey
395 Victoria Salmon
396 Michelle Wallace
397 Nathan Deming
398 Sheila Giese
399 Rachel Geissler
400 Kay Archuleta
401 Cheryl Vanwinkle
402 Joy Shepard
403 Judy Carey
404 Jennifer Winchester
405 Tina Frederiksen
406 Dennis Powell
407 Jenice Powell
408 Tricia Moss
409 Gene Mansfield
410 Pan Wright
411 Christy Brinker
412 Cheryl DeLand
413 Kaycee Graham
414 Jeannie Saenger
415 Claudia Slater
416 Edna Almond
417 Jill Presnell
418 Bill Presnell
419 Linda Branch
420 Isabel DeSantiago
421 Chrissy Quick
422 Danielle Gasper
423 Trudy Jerdal
424 Lucille Hatton-Jones
425 David Funke
426 Terri Overgaard
427 Candace Green
428 Cindy DeGrie
429 Larry DeGrie
430 Karen Crawley
431 Salem Webb
432 Sandra Hildebrand
433 Bill Leach
434 Kathryne Leach
435 David Bamber
436 Melissa Trantham
437 Carolyn David
438 Joni A Jones
439 Kim Weems
440 Dee Burnette
441 Melissa Johnson
442 Linda P Truman
443 Reta Wetherall
444 Frank Brown
445 Pennie Jennings
446 Pam Kilgore
447 Rachel Dennis
448 Debora Tyler
449 Sophia Marberry
450 Nan Grissam
451 Taran Schilg
452 Mark Copley
453 Darlene Burgess
454 April Stephenson
455 David Williams
456 Onie Clevenger
457 Lynn DiNonno
458 Susie Byler
459 Brandye Hartwell
460 Jamie Willis
461 Tiffany Chetta
462 Claire Cope-Watson
463 Chris Watson
464 Jane Boeckelmann
465 Kathy Thompson
466 Glenda DeVries
467 Calvin W. Elston
468 Peggy Kirby
469 Michael Hawn
470 Betty Purdy
471 E Netland
472 Sharron Davis
473 Erin Littleson
474 Elizabeth Nervegna
475 Artur Tsipan
476 Stefan Gustafsson
477 Cheryl DeLand
478 Sarah Gustafssson
479 Joanmarie Moscatello
480 Connie Settle
481 Tracy Hess
482 Ann M Hoffee
483 Katherine Clevenger
484 Mary Gingerich
485 Devonna Dillard
486 Tracey Graf
487 David Gingerich
488 Virginia Lirosh
489 Melissa Leggett
490 Lloyd Glenn
Kat Esposito | |
Laura Strabley | |
Rosalie Dagler | |
Christine Lamb | |
Agatha Fifield-Mesa | |
Jackie Morey | |
Tonya Crump | |
Sherry Daugherty | |
Dan Bar Enasha | |
Lara Derksen | |
Rebecca and charlie Price | |
Rhonda Godfrey |
Sign the Statement
Personal experience with MorningStar (the church, school of ministry, CSCL, etc.)
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